Seminars, Talks and Workshops.


Ladies 50+ seminar and workshop.

Men's Health seminar and workshop.

Psoas Workshop.

Fibromyalgia & inflammatory conditions workshop.

I also give talks for W.I. / Group / Health workshops etc, please enquire for availability.

Comments from latest ladies 50+ seminar.

Hello Karen..I just want to tell how marvellous your workshop teaching is.  I have come home absolutely uplifted and determined!  I spoke to 2 ladies as I left and they both told me that they had never felt like this before.
I have learnt a great deal about the exercises and to understand what the aim is of each one.
Thank you so much....from Polly

Hello Karen..Just wanted to let you know that I had a bad back recently, something I get from time to time if I get up awkwardly, I think its muscular.  Anyway, using some of the techniques I learnt at your workshop, I got it better much quicker than normal.  Thank you, the handout you gave us really came in useful. Best wishes Sue

Thank you for a very informative seminar & exercise plan. Even though I join the group each week, I felt I learnt even more about Postural Alignment than before. The added list of exercises will be really useful as it gives a structured routine to follow. My daughter was impressed with seeing & trying some of the procedures I have told her about. She thinks my mobility has increased & that I have become more flexible since attending the weekly classes so thank you for putting us through the routines. M. Price.

I am getting on well and noticing a good improvement, like being able to get up and down to the floor, able to kneel, able to put socks on standing up! And more energy! S.Houle.

Fibromyalgia workshop.

For those who suffer from with the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

Learn how Posture Alignment Therapy can help to get your body into a more functional position to help ease the debilitating symptoms of these immuno related conditions. The best Egoscue resources will be given to allow you to help yourself keep well in your own time. 

Other date and venues to be arranged, please inquire.

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